Orthopedic doctor

What is Orthopedic trauma? What are its signs, and best treatment options?

What is Orthopedic Trauma?

Orthopedic trauma is categorized as a severe injury of the skeletal or muscular system which occurs when excessive force is put on the body. It is not always possible that this situation can be life-threatening but it can be a life-changing event to deal with. This is the reason, you have to schedule your appointment at the best Orthopaedic Hospital in Ludhiana. A timely treatment plan will help to understand better whether your situation demands the treatment for Knee Replacement in Ludhiana.

Do you know?

Trauma is the 4th reason for leading deaths for all age groups. This is the reason, the seriousness of the situation should be understood.

What are the therapy options which can help you to heal from trauma?

Understand the different phases of healing

You need to understand and know what are the different stages of healing which can be divided into:

  • Motivating
  • Distressing
  • Uplifting
  • Upsetting

No matter, what you feel it is normal to experience these emotions. Acknowledge then and it will help you to heal in a better manner. Most importantly, you need to get trauma treatment from a professional and experienced ortho expert.

Find the trauma therapist who can give you the best treatment

No matter, what is the issue the trauma therapist has to give you the best possible treatment for your condition. Make sure, that you do not get yourself treated by the ones who will create the situation to control your feelings. You need to feel safe to undergo the treatment from them and they should come up with the right approach.

What are the signs of PTSD?

PTSD stands for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. It is normal to experience the same after the same:

  • Avoidance
  • Stop the activities that remind you of traumatic events
  • Pushing thoughts and memories that remind you of traumatic
  • Avoiding people, situations, and places
  • Not wanting to talk about what happened in the past
  • Negative thinking
  • Feeling distant, detached, and numb
  • Having more negative thoughts
  • Being more serious than ever
  • Finding it hard to enjoy things that you used to do earlier

Early treatment is the best choice

Depending on what is the patient’s condition or how do they process the situation will make a difference. In this case, the best option to deal with the trauma is by getting medical assistance. At the moment, the effective treatment options are there which includes giving medication counseling, and sometimes there is combinational treatment.

So, make sure that without any dealy you consult the doctor.

Get medical treatment at the earliest

You need to make sure that you get the medical treatment without any delay and understand better what treatment plan can suit you the best. If you facing PTSD after an ortho surgery or injury, then our experienced trauma specialists are here for you. Schedule your initial consultation at the earliest and know what way your condition can be managed.

Knee Pain

What are the topmost reasons to consult an ortho doctor for knee pain?

No doubt, knee pain is a common condition and at some point in your life, you will struggle with the same. There are many cases, in which the knee comes after an injury, and sometimes it can occur due to medical health issues like arthritis and obesity. Just make sure that you do not ignore the situation and schedule your visit to the best Orthopaedic Hospital in Ludhiana. If you keep on avoiding the situation, then there are high chances that you need to get the Knee Replacement in Ludhiana.

What is a knee specialist known as?

First of all, you must think that whom you need to consult for knee pain. If you have visited the general practitioner, then he may refer you to an ortho doctor.

Ortho doctor takes the best care of your condition. The ortho doctor’s main aim is to focus on the nerves, tendons, ligaments, bones, and joints. It is right to say that the knee pain specialist is known as an orthopedic knee specialist. When you schedule the appointment, make sure that you talk to the doctor thoroughly about your condition.

When do you have to consult a knee specialist?

If you have suffered from the knee injury, then you may experience certain symptom which comes along with knee pain. Mostly you will notice the symptoms like:

  • Popping noise and/or feeling
  • Crunching noises
  • Swelling, redness, and warmth when you touch it
  • Stiffness and/or problem straightening the knee
  • Weakness and/or instability

So, when do you have to visit a knee doctor?

Bear in mind, not all cases of knee pain will need medical intervention. In case of:

  • Sprain
  • Minor tweaks
  • Injuries

All of these can be treated at your home. Just make sure that you take proper rest, ice the area, and keep it elevated. Apart from that if you notice the given symptoms then you have to schedule your initial consultation, without any delay:

  • Your knee pain is getting severe
  • Knee gives out when you try to walk
  • Fever comes along with redness and swelling
  • Knee swelling or you can notice the deformity

What if you experience chronic pain?

If you try to live in chronic pain and you notice that you are not able to live your life like normal or you are not that active, then you need medical assistance. Consulting the best knee specialist will help you come across a treatment plan that reduces the extent of pain and symptoms.

What are the major reasons behind knee pain?

Knee injury

  • Knee fractures

Occurs due to trauma, femur & tibia, and fractures of the patella which result in excess pain.

  • ACL & MCL tears

This ligament may start to tear when you went through a knee injury.

  • Knee dislocation

It occurs due to trauma, knee dislocation which can occur due to knee abnormalities.

  • Meniscus tears

This occurs in individuals who play sports and sometimes it can occur due to arthritis or aging.

Knee Arthritis

It includes osteoarthritis, septic arthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis. All these 3 conditions can lead to knee pain.

If you are experiencing knee pain which is making it difficult for you to do your daily chores then schedule an initial consultation with our ortho doctor for a best treatment plan.

ACL Reconstruction Surgery

Everything you need to know about the ACL reconstruction surgery

What is ACL reconstruction surgery?

ACL stands for (Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction) which is a surgical intervention for the knee to treat the damaged part with the use of a graft in which the tendon is taken from another body part. If your ACL injury is making it difficult for you to carry out your normal chores then you have to schedule your initial consultation at the best Orthopaedic Hospital in Ludhiana. In case you are also wondering about the Knee Replacement in Ludhiana then consult the ortho doctor at Hunjan Hospital for the best treatment plan.

What are the advantages of ACL?

With the ACL reconstruction, the knee pain is relieved and it helps you to be more active in carrying out the daily work. If you have been missing out on some activity due to ACL injury, then the surgery can help you with the same. Moreover, it will lessen the chances of getting knee injuries in the future. The procedure is carried out as keyhole surgery which means it is referred to as less invasive which can offer you the following benefits:

  • Reduced risk of infection
  • Faster recovery
  • Less pain

How is ACL surgery done?

The ACL surgery is performed under general anesthesia and the entire surgery will take around 60 minutes to perform. The surgeon will make a small cut in the skin which is placed over the knee and then the tube is inserted which has a camera attached to it at one end and then with the help of arthroscopy the doctor can see inside the knee.

The turn ACL parts are taken out and replaced with the graft. The graft may be taken from the donor. With the use of a special drill, the graft is placed in the bone.

How much is the total cost of ACL reconstruction surgery?

On average, ACL reconstruction surgery can cost you Rs 70,000. To know about the exact amount you should consult our ortho doctor. As every patient is different, so your treatment plan will be different from other patients.

What about the ACL reconstruction recovery?

In most cases, the patient can go home on the same day or if needed, an overnight stay can be suggested. You will be given the plan to help you recover easily:

  • Proper guidance on what exercise you have to do
  • Rehabilitation program

Make sure that you are following the surgery advice every single day so that there are no complications and you will get to see the results easily.

On average it takes around 6 months to 1 year to recover from the ACL reconstruction surgery.

If you are into a sporting regime or an athlete then you will be able to get back to that routine within 6 months.

Schedule your initial consultation

If you are experiencing a problem, then you should consult with our health expert to make the best choice on what treatment plan is ideal for you.

Joint Replacement Surgery

घुटने खराब हो गए हों तो उन्हें बदलने में कितना खर्च आता है? जॉइंट रिप्लेसमेंट कैसे होती है?

ऑस्टियोआर्थराइटिस (osteoarthritis) एक ऐसी समस्या है जिसमे हड्डियां घिसने लग जाती है और इसे के चलते आपको जॉइंट रिप्लेसमेंट करवाने की सलाह दी जाती है | यदि आप इस समस्या से झूझ रहें है तो आपको Knee Replacement in Ludhiana से आपकी स्थिति में सुधर आ सकता है | यह समझना ज़रूरी है की आप सबसे उच्च Orthopaedic Hospital in Ludhiana को चुने ताकि आपको सबसे नवीनतम तकनीक के द्वारा आपकी कंडीशन सही हो सके | यदि आप डॉक्टर की सलाह के अनुसार अपने इलाज करवायँगे और सर्जरी के बाद भी आप डॉक्टर की कही बातों को ध्यान में रखेंगे तो कोई दिक्कत नहीं होगी |

नी रिप्लेसमेंट (घुटना बदलने की परिक्रिया) क्यों करनी पड़ती है?

Hunjan super-specialty hospital के सबसे बेहतरीन चिकित्सक के मुताबिक नी रिप्लेसमेंट करवाने की आवश्यकता इन कारणों से पढ़ सकती है:

  • सबसे प्रमुख वजह है ऑस्टियोआर्थराइटिस, जिसमे जोड़ों में घिसाव आने लग जाता है |
  • ऑस्टियोआर्थराइटिस की समस्या 55 वर्ष से ज़्यादा लोगो में देखी जाती है |
  • इस समस्या को औरतों में ज़्यादा देखा गया है |
  • इस समस्या की वजह से चलने में बहुत परिशानी होती है और उसके साथ ही दर्द भी बहुत ही अधिक महसूस होता है |
  • ऑस्टियोआर्थराइटिस की समस्या की वजह से मरीज़ पालथी (cross legged) मारके नहीं बैठ सकता

है |

यदि आपकी समस्या ऐसी स्थिति में पहुँच चुकी है की आपको चलने में सहारे की ज़रुरत है तो आपको नी रिप्लेसमेंट करवाना होगा | अपनी ज़िन्दगी को बेहतर तरीके से जीने के लिए रिप्लेसमेंट सर्जरी सबसे बेहतरीन इलाज है |

कैसे होती है नी रिप्लेसमेंट सर्जरी?

जैसे की हमने पहले भी बताया है की इस स्थिति में घुटने घिसने लग जाते हैं और डॉक्टर औज़ार का इस्तेमाल करके हड्डियों को बहुत ही सावधानी से काटता है | उसके बाद सीमैंट से ज़रिए घुटने के जिस पार्ट में दिक्कत है उसको लगाया जाता है | नी रिप्लेसमेंट सर्जरी के द्वारा घुटने फिर से काम करने लग जाते हैं | इस सर्जरी को करने में लगभग 1 घंटा लग जाता है |

यदि आप अपनी स्थिति में और भी ज़्यादा सुधर लेके आना चाहते हैं तो आपको डॉक्टर से रोबोटिक नी रिप्लेस्मेंट की परिक्रिया के बारे में जान लेना चाहिए | ऐसा देखा गया है की इसके द्वारा मरीज़ सर्जरी के तुरंत बाद ही चलने लग जाता है |

नी रिप्लेसमेंट के क्याक्या फायदें होते हैं ?

इस सर्जरी के बाद मरीज़ को कोई दर्द महसूस नहीं होता है | यही नहीं, मरीज़ को भी दर्द के दवा नहीं लेता है जिससे की लिवर को परिशानी हो | पर आपको कुछ बातों को ध्यान रखना है जैसे की:

  • सर्जरी के बाद पालथी मार्के कभी न बैठें |
  • इंडियन स्टाइल टॉयलेट का इस्तेमाल मत करें |

यदि आप इन बातों पर गौर नहीं करते हैं तो यह संभव है की जहाँ पर जॉइंट डाला गया है वह घिसने लग जाता है | यह देखा गया है की नार्मल जॉइंट लगभग 25 साल तक रह सकता है | हाँ यह भी ध्यान रखें की आपको फ़िज़ियोथेरेपी (physiotherapy) करवानी होगी ताकि आपकी मांसपेशियां मजबूत हो सकें |

नी रिप्लेसमेंट का खर्चा कितना आ सकता है ?

यह उस बात पर निर्भर करेगा की कोनसा जॉइंट बदलना है, डॉक्टर आपको कोनसे जॉइंट लगवाने की सलाह दे रहे हैं | नी रिप्लेसमेंट की औसत लागत लगभग 1 लाख से शुरू हो सकती है |

सर्जरी की अधिक जानकारी पाने के लिए आप हमारे ऑर्थो डॉक्टर से सलाह लें सकते हैं | आपको जो भी परिशानी है आप उसके बारे में डॉक्टर से विचार विमर्ष कर सकते

हैं |


How can we maintain orthopaedic health? Which tips will be helpful?

If some condition concerning bones, ligaments and joints is disturbing you, then it can be categorized as an orthopaedic issue. If some orthopaedic issue is not getting treated by following the precautionary measures, then you must visit an orthopaedic hospital in Ludhiana.

Here we would like to suggest you that you should not let any of the orthopaedic conditions progress. If you allow it to do so, then one day or the other it starts spreading in other bones and the ligaments as well. Eventually when it gets reached to the spine, then the individual may need to undergo spine surgery in Ludhiana.

In this blog post, we are going to facilitate our readers with some of the important tips, following which they can prevent themselves from suffering from the menacing orthopaedic conditions:

Follow a good dietary schedule

If you are having a good and well-balanced diet, then you can surely expect yourself to be running high in orthopaedic health. It is suggested for the individuals to keep their enriched with the vitamin D which is highly responsible for great bone health.

Apart from this, the vitamin D helps the bones to absorb the calcium which is derived from the various food items

Exercise Right

It is always important to keep the body moving, and joints in particular. If you keep on sitting in one place without doing any movements, then there are chances that your bones and the joints start getting deteriorated at the earliest stage. If you do not want to experience such a condition, then make sure you are active in some kind of exercise. It could be either yoga, aerobics or dancing.

Do not wear the uncomfortable shoes

Usually, this thing is observed among the girls who consider wearing tight-fitting high heels just to look taller. But wearing such shoes for a prolonged period will deteriorate the hip bone.

Keep yourself hydrated

Those who do not drink the required amount of water are sure to experience orthopaedic problems. The predominant factor which demands you to drink plenty of water is that the eaten food can only be assimilated if the individual is having the required amount of fluid contained in the body.

Do not sit in the rigid posture for so long

You are required to sit in a comfortable posture if you are doing any of the blue-collar jobs. Sitting in a rigid posture all day long is one of the factors that contribute to making you suffer from some serious orthopaedic problem.

Bottom Line

It is always suggested to the individual to follow all the above-mentioned measures if good orthopaedic health is to be enjoyed for a prolonged period. Also following this factor, you will not suffer from some serious orthopaedic problem even when you have become aged or old.

Back Pain

Who are the specialists who can provide you treatment for back pain?

Getting yourself the right diagnosis and treatment is extremely important. This is where you have to trust the health practitioners. But, how to make sure that you have selected the right one to take care of your health. Well! In that case, several factors need to be considered. Choosing the right one for your health will depend on what symptoms you are experiencing and for how long you had them as well as whether you ever experienced them in the past. Specifically, in the case of back pain, you need to be careful as there are various reasons for the condition. Your visit to the best Orthopaedic Hospital in Ludhiana will only be worth it when you get the right treatment approach and the doctor can point to the exact reason for your condition. In case, your condition is severe, then the doctor can suggest you get Spine Surgery in Ludhiana.

Which health providers can treat back pain?

There are several healthcare providers whom you can consult to get relief from back pain. Let’s discuss them one by one:

  • Primary care physicians

The primary care physicians include obstetricians, internists, daily practice doctors, gynecologists, and pediatricians. All these doctors have the expertise to provide relief from muscle strain and lower back pain. The doctor will suggest medications that help you to get relief from inflammation and pain.

  • Chiropractic doctor (DC)

Chiropractic doctors diagnose and provide treatment for back & neck pain. In most cases, he is one whom you will consult. The chiropractors have expertise regarding the body’s muscular system, skeletal system, and nervous system as well as the spine.

  • Osteopathic doctor

Osteopathic doctors are known for diagnosing and treating injuries and illnesses and they also focus on giving you preventive care. They have the special expertise to focus on the body system needs and how the correct relationship will be formed with each body part. They even have an understanding of the neuro-musculoskeletal system which includes muscles, nerves, and joints.

  • Spine surgeons

It might be overwhelming to consult a spine surgeon but now the surgeon is experienced to provide you with the latest and modern treatment methods, in addition, they make sure to use the minimally invasive treatment which can give you relief. It can include the orthopedic surgeon whose prime focus is on treating the musculoskeletal condition. They are trained to diagnose and provide treatment for sports injuries, trauma, asthma, sports, and fractures.

Spine surgery & knee surgery is improved

In recent times, it is seen that spine surgery has evolved a lot. The surgeon focuses on addressing the condition by using the treatment. Like the use of robotic treatment is preferred as it provides better accuracy and the treatment is done with precision.

Book your consultation

If you are experiencing a problem, then feel free to consult our team of experienced ortho doctors. Depending on the diagnosis and your current state you will be suggested the right treatment plan.

Bone Health

Which are the important nutritional elements for the ultimate bone health?

With age, bone and joint health keep on becoming deteriorated. According to the doctors of the orthopaedic hospital in Ludhiana, “If in case, the individual is suffering from the injuries or is afflicted with the problems of either the osteoporosis or arthritis, then the health supplements which may include the various nutritional elements like the vitamins and minerals are must to be incorporated in the daily diet. With the intake of the supplements, the ultimate health of the bones and the other joints can be maintained.” It is advised that the individual should not consider taking any kind of supplements without consulting the doctor.

It is relevant to mention here that the individual must not show any negligence to maintain bone health. If somehow, it gets progressed, it may start extending towards the spine and then the person may need to take up the spine surgery in Ludhiana.

In today’s blog, as you might have already guessed, we are going to talk about the role of supplements in maintaining bone health.

Which nutritional elements are required for the maintenance of bone health?

Following are the various kinds of nutritional elements which are necessary for the individual to be fulfilled with if the bones and joints are to be maintained healthy for long:


Calcium is the most important nutritional element for bone health. This is the main reason the mothers always try to find out the ways to make their children drink milk as it is the richest source of calcium. No doubt, following a great diet is the only best option to keep the calcium content full in the body. But in case, due to some reasons, the diet is not able to meet your needs, then calcium supplements are the best sources to maintain bone health.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is an important element that helps with the absorption of calcium. Usually, this essential nutrient is acquired from various food sources and the sunlight, but in case, you have been diagnosed with a deficiency of Vitamin D, then you must contemplate including some supplements in your diet.

Vitamin C

We all have known the association of the role of vitamin C with immunity. But wait! Wait! Wait! Vitamin C has a lot more functions to perform like:

  • The production of the collagen (it is imperative for the bone mineralization)
  • It does not let your bone density become low


The importance of magnesium for the body can become highlighted from the following fact:

In case, the individual is lacking the magnesium, then there are high chances that he or she may suffer from osteoporosis.”

Additional knowledge

Apart from fulfilling the deficiency of your body concerning the above-mentioned essential nutrients, the individual must consider taking the following supplements as well.

  • Fish oil
  • Glucosamine and chondroitin
  • Collagen supplements

Final Comments!

In the end, we would like to tell our readers that they should not consider starting the intake of any supplements without prior consulting to the reputed doctor. In case, the individual does not follow the advice then he or she should get prepared to face the adverse consequences.


What is knee arthroscopy? What is its need and preparation for the treatment?

What is knee arthroscopy?

Knee arthroscopy is a surgical method that helps to diagnose and treat disorders related to the knee joint. At Hujan Hospital, the team of ortho doctors suggests the treatment plan by carefully analyzing your condition. At our Orthopaedic Hospital in Ludhiana, we have a team of ortho doctors who perform the knee arthroscopy with utmost precision. During the surgery, an arthroscope is used which allows one to see inside the knee joint by making a small incision. Doing so, the surgeon will check the possible reason behind the condition and accordingly suggest what treatment approach will suit you the best. With the arthroscopy diagnosis, the surgeon can detect the knee issues like:

  • Misaligned patella
  • Torn meniscus
  • Joint ligaments

Even for the patients who need to get spine surgery in Ludhiana, we have the availability of the latest and modern treatment methods.

What is the reason to undergo knee arthroscopy?

In case you are experiencing knee pain, then the doctor will tell you to get a knee arthroscopy. It is possible the reason behind pain is diagnosed or you may be suggested arthroscopy to perform the diagnosis. With this surgical approach, the doctor can treat the knee injuries which includes:

  • Swollen synovium (Joint lining)
  • Baker’s cyst removal
  • Torn cartilage pieces that are loose in the joint
  • Patella is not present in the right position
  • Torn meniscus (cartilage between the bone in the knee)
  • Torn anterior or posterior cruciate ligaments

How do I prepare for knee arthroscopy?

Make sure that you follow all the necessary suggestions given by the doctor. The doctor is going to tell you about which medications, supplements, or over-the-counter medications you need to take. Make sure that you do not drink or eat anything 6 to 12 hours before the treatment. Make sure that you fill the necessary prescription so that you are prepared for the treatment.

What happens during the knee arthroscopy?

The doctor will give you anesthesia before the surgery which can be between local, regional, or general. The surgeon is going to make a small incision in the knee and your knee is expanded through saltwater or saline. Through this, the arthroscopy is inserted into one of the cuts and the surgeon will look around through the camera. The images of the knee can be seen on the video monitor. The solution is drained from the joint and then the stitches are closed. The entire procedure will take around 1 hour to perform.

What does recovery feel like with knee arthroscopy?

You are allowed to go back home on the same day. The doctor will tell you to use an ice pack for the knee as it helps with pain and swelling. Make sure that you keep the leg elevated. Make sure that you visit the doctor for a follow-up check-up. In addition, you need to follow the exercise regime and physical therapy as suggested by the doctor to help you with your knee mobility and functioning.

Final Word!

If you have any problem then consult our ortho expert and get the best possible information to make your knee joint function properly.


What are the types of knee braces? How are they different in functionality?

What are the different types of knee braces?

Braces are of great help as they provide support to the knees to prevent from getting a further injury or the pain & swelling will reduce. Their structural framework is designed as per the joint. When you visit the best Orthopaedic Hospital in Ludhiana the doctor will suggest to you what type of brace you have to get or which one will be best suited for your condition. Like, if you have undergone Spine Surgery in Ludhiana then the doctor will let you know which type of brace you need to wear. Let’s talk you through the different types of braces

  • Prophylactic (pro-fa-lack-tick) Knee Braces

Prophylactic knee braces offer functionally to reduce and prevent ligamentous knee injuries. This one is the most common and doctors provide this to the athletes like the ones who play football. This type of braces is best suitable to protect the MCL against extreme knee stresses. By doing so, you are preventing the knee joint from getting injured again. You can talk to the doctor about which option is best for your condition.

  • Functional Knee Braces

Functional knee braces have the functionality to provide support to the knees which are injured due to a fall or while you were playing sports. Moreover, they are the best choice for reducing the rotation after the tear or ACL injury. In case, someone needs additional support following ACL repair surgery then these are suggested. From mild to moderate instability these are the perfect options.

  • Rehabilitative Knee Braces

Rehabilitative knee braces are great to limit the knee from doing any type of harmful movement and it helps the person to feel better after they have undergone the knee surgery or they have faced some kind of injury.

The braces are a great choice to offer protection against the repaired or reconstructed ligament & even make it easier for the knee joint to perform the early motion. So, to protect the knee joint & ligament from recurring injury, this is what is suggested by an ortho doctor.

  • Unloader/Offloader Knee Braces

Unloader/Offloader knee braces are recommended by the ortho doctor to people with knee arthritis and who are diagnosed with knee osteoarthritis. They have the functionality to take away the stress from the problematic joint as all the pressure is put on the thigh bone. These braces are also known by the name of OA knee brace. In case, someone is planning to get knee replacement surgery then this is what the doctor does. Doing so will help to take away the stress from the knees.

Schedule your consultation

If you are diagnosed with any ortho-related problem, then make sure to consult the best ortho doctor. Once your condition is properly evaluated and test results are obtained, the doctor will inform you what is suitable for your condition. In case you have any concern then make sure to talk about the same.

Joints orthopaedic

How Is Joint Stiffness Caused? Which Treatment Approaches Are Followed?

Joints – The Connection Of The Two Bones

According to the doctors of the best Orthopaedic hospital in Ludhiana, “ Joints are not merely responsible for forming the connections between your bones, but these are quintessentially responsible for providing you with the support to make movements. In case the joints are encountering any kind of problems related to their movement and functioning, then you should consult the best orthopaedic doctor in your area. If you let problems aggravate or progress, then they will eventually reach the spine and then you will be needed to undergo the spine surgery in Ludhiana. Nowadays a lot of people are complaining about joint problems. So we have decided to publish a blog on this topic:

Joint Stiffness – What Is It?

Joint stiffness is experienced through the feeling which indicates that the motion of your joints have got limited and they are finding it extremely difficult to make movements.

Causes – Try To Prevent These

Although many conditions may lead you to eventually suffer from joint stiffness, we are going to talk about the common ones.

Injuries Other Conditions
If you have run into any of the injuries which may include sprains or strains, then these may also cause you to suffer from the joint stiffness Apart from the other condition, the stiffness in joints may be contributed by the following factors:

    • Osteoarthritis
    • Rheumatoid arthritis
    • Arthritis
    • Rheumatoid arthritis
    • Bursitis
    • Gout

Symptoms – Do Not Neglect These

AS from the name itself, we know that nothing other than the stiffness itself could indicate that you are suffering from a joint problem. You must know that the stiffness of the joints could be experienced in any part of the body. The pain may also differ depending upon the intensity of the stiffness. It may be either mildly irritating or debilitating.

    • Pay Attention!

Whenever the joint stiffness is on the cards, then the area to get affected starts to swell up, Sling with that it commences to turn out to be extremely tender, red or warm.

    • May Or May Not Persist Longer

The symptoms of joint stiffness usually go away after a week. But in other cases, the symptoms are usually ongoing and they keep on persisting for so long.


Ultimate Goal

The ultimate goal of all the treatment approaches which will be taken into account for treating joint stiffness is the reduction of the pain and the inflammation in the joints.

Based on the cause of the stiffness along with the goal of the treatment, the individualized treatment plan is framed:

Medications In case, the joint pain is being experienced in moderation along with mild swelling, then the over-the-counter non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications like the following may be prescribed:


(Do not take this medication until prescribed by the doctor)

    • Aspirin
    • Ibuprofen
    • Naproxen sodium
Otc Creams And Topical Agents For Joint Stiffness To make the internal system get adapted to the ideal structure of joints, several OTC Cream and other topical agents may be prescribed, which will restore the maximum health capabilities to the patients.
Injections In case, the intake of the medication and the application of the cars is not providing you with the desirable results, then the doctor will consider injecting your joints to trigger the relief.
Physical Therapy Physical therapy is regarded as the best therapy as far as the treatment of joint stiffness is concerned. It helps to make the muscles surrounding the joint strong which will eventually help to stabilize the joints and ameliorate their range of motions.