Shoulder Replacement

Frozen Shoulders: Symptoms, Stages, Risk and Treatment

Frozen shoulder is the condition in which shoulders become stiff and painful. In this the shoulder’s movements are restricted and or have no movement. It is a situation in which doing daily activities like sleeping, reaching for a shelf and dressing in the affected area is challenging. However, the reason for the frozen shoulder is unclear and exploring the symptoms, causes and treatments help you manage the condition effectively.

What is a Frozen Shoulder?

Frozen shoulder is a condition in which stiffness and limited range of motion in the shoulder joint. It is a situation in which connective tissue becomes thick and tightens around the shoulder joint. The exact reason for the frozen shoulder is unclear, it mainly affects those people who are recovering from shoulder surgeries or injuries. It is commonly seen in people above 40 years or people  dealing with diabetes. If it is untreated then it takes a long time to recover, a month or even years fully resolved.

Ease Shoulder Pain with Caring Expertise at Hunjan Hospital

Stages of Frozen Shoulders

There are 3 distinct stages in frozen shoulders. Every stage has it own pros and cons: 

  • Freezing Stage (Painful Phase)
  • Duration: Typically lasts for 2 to 9 months.
  • Symptoms: In this stage the pain is increasing in the shoulder. The pain becomes extreme at night or worse when lying on the affected side. The shoulder becomes stiff and affects the daily activities. The stiffness increases leads to limiting the movement of shoulder.
  • Frozen Stage (Stiffness Stage)
  • Duration: Generally last for 4 to 12 months
  • Symptoms: Although in this stage, the pain becomes worse and limiting range of motion. Stiffness can cause muscle arms due to reduced use. Often pain is minimal as compared to the freezing stage.
  • Thawing Stage (Recovery Stage)
  • Duration: Can last 1 to 3 years
  • Symptoms: During the final stage, pain and stiffness gradually diminish and shoulder movements slowly return to normal level. Recovery can vary  depending upon person to person some may experience quicker improvement while from others. It can take several years, if untreated it may take up to 2 to 3 years and can different significantly between individuals.

Ease Shoulder Pain with Caring Expertise at Hunjan Hospital

Symptoms of Frozen Shoulder

The symptoms of frozen shoulders can vary. But seeking the symptoms early helps you to prevent further complications.

  • Stiffness on one side of the shoulder makes it difficult to move freely.
  • Severe pain around the shoulder particularly affected at night, especially lying on the affected area.
  • Difficulty in doing every activity like reaching overhead, tucking a shirt or wearing a bra become challenging due to restricted shoulder movement.
  • The symptoms can be dependent upon the level dominant and non dominant shoulder affected.

Risk factors for frozen shoulders

  1. The frozen shoulder is common in people aged between 40 to 70 and with higher chances in women than men.
  2.  Those patients who are still recovering from any shoulder surgery or injuries  have a risk of frozen shoulder. That is why they are advised to begin physical therapy early.
  3. Conditions like diabetes, hyperthyroidism or cardiovascular disease increase the risk of frozen shoulders. But mainly those with diabetes are prone to develop this condition.
  4. Any history related to shoulder injuries like bursitis  have higher risk of  developing frozen shoulders later on.

How is Frozen Shoulder Diagnosed

The process of diagnosing frozen shoulders is fairly straightforward. It includes:  medical history, medical test, physical examination and imaging test. The doctor may review your reports and then confirm the condition.

Medical examination

  • Active Range of Motion: In this test, the patient is asked to move around the arm  to check how much mobility you have.
  • Passive Range of Motion: The doctor moves the patient arm to check how far it goes.

 Compilation of Frozen Shoulder

  1. The chronic pain in the freezing stage can significantly give discomfort to do daily activities.
  2. If untreated, the arm is permanently stiff and leads to limiting motion.
  3. Muscles weaken, due to limited use of the shoulder.
  4. Impact on daily tasks like dressing, driving, lifting objects can become extremely challenging.
  5. Continuous pain may lead to frustration, anxiety and sometimes depression as it limits the ability to work and enjoy social activities.

Treatment of Frozen Shoulders

  • Painkillers: Medication like paracetamol helps you to relieve pain and improve your sleep.
  • Anti Inflammatory Painkiller: Drug like diclofenac helps to reduce inflammation in shoulder point  and relieve pain during the early stage.
  • Therapies: Shoulders exercise, physiotherapies help you to recover from this condition.


Frozen Shoulder influences daily life activities, with the help of diagnosis and with the right treatment, you can prevent this condition and possibly manage pain and stiffness. Understanding the symptoms, treatment and therapies can make a big difference in your recovery journey.

Why choose Hunjan Hospital?

Hunjan Hospital provides various treatments to prevent shoulder problems. We have a skilled team of shoulder replacement and arthroscopy doctors. Each doctor has years of experience and dedicatedly provides the patient  with shoulder surgery. The elite team of surgeons in Hunjan hospital are skilled and handled various extreme cases of knee and shoulder replacements with extreme care and end results have been the best. Don’t let shoulder pain-control your quality of life! Book your consultation with Hunjan Hospital, the best orthopaedic hospital.

frozen shoulder Shoulder Replacement

Reasons To Undergo Shoulder Replacement Surgery And Its Risk Factors

Shoulder Replacement Surgery: Removing damaged areas of bone and replacing them with metal and plastic parts (implants). It is also known as shoulder arthroplasty.

So, if you are noticing any damage in your shoulder, you should diagnose with an Ortho surgeon in Ludhiana for the proper treatment.

The shoulder is basically a ball-and-socket joint. The ball is the round head that fits into the shallow socket in the shoulder of the upper arm bone. And any kind of damage to the joint can lead to extreme pain, stiffness, and severe weakness.

In such a situation, you can undergo Shoulder Replacement Surgery in Ludhiana and get rid of the problem. They range in different shapes and sizes.

Why Does One Have To Undergo Shoulder Replacement Surgery?

In order to relieve the pain and some other symptoms caused due to the damage to the shoulder joint, the patient undergoes shoulder replacement surgery in an Orthopaedic Hospital in Ludhiana.

Some of the conditions that can damage the joint include: 

  • Osteoarthritis

It is known as wear and tears arthritis. This problem typically damages the cartilage that hides the bone’s end and also assists the joints in functioning smoothly. 

  • Rotator cuff injuries

It is basically a group of tendons and muscles that is adjoined with the shoulder joint. Rotator cuff injuries can sometimes lead to severe damage to the cartilage and also the bone in the shoulder joint. 

  • Fractures

If you have a fracture in the upper end of the humerus, you might have to undergo shoulder replacement surgery. There are two reasons for such a situation:

  1. Result of injury
  2. If the previous surgery for a fracture has failed. 
  • Rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory disorders

They happen because of an immune system that is overactive. Whereas the inflammation that we associate with rheumatoid arthritis can, in fact, ruin the cartilage. And in some cases, it can even damage the bone in the joint.


It is a shoulder condition that negatively impacts the blood flow to the humerus. It can also collapse in case the bone is starved of blood.

 What Are Its Risk Factors?

It is very rare to notice that shoulder replacement surgery does not lessen the discomfort or pain or eliminate it completely. However, there are certain cases wherein the doctor might not be able to recover the movement or the strength of the joint fully. These are some situations wherein we might advise you to undergo another surgery. 

  • Dislocation: It is possible for the joint’s ball to come out of the socket.
  • Fracture: In case of fracture, there can be breakage in the humerus bone, glenoid bone, or the scapula before or after the surgery.
  • Implant loosening: Shoulder replacement surgery elements technically have long durability. Although there might be circumstances wherein they might become worn or loosen over the course of time. In such a concern, we highly recommend undergoing another surgery to change the loose elements. 

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