What Happens When Glute Muscles Are Weak?

What Happens When Glute Muscles Are Weak?

  • By: Hunjan_Hospital

  • February 19, 2024


To maintain the balance of the body, our body relies on muscles. Also, the body needs strong muscles for daily activities such as walking, standing, and sitting. Here, we are…

Risk factors, Early symptoms and treatment of spine disorders

Risk factors, Early symptoms and treatment of spine disorders

  • By: Hunjan_Hospital

  • February 12, 2024


The body’s backbone is the vital part that stands upon it and depends upon it for almost every task, so taking care of it must also be the priority. The…

A brief note on failed back surgery syndrome.

A brief note on failed back surgery syndrome.

  • By: Hunjan_Hospital

  • February 10, 2024


Failed back surgery syndrome is a generalized term that is often used to describe the condition where lower back pain persists or appears after spine surgery. The pain starts immediately…

How Can You Find the Best Orthopaedic Surgeon For Your Children

How Can You Find the Best Orthopaedic Surgeon For Your Children

  • By: Hunjan_Hospital

  • February 7, 2024


Children are known to be filled with energy. Their activities are known to be seldom concerning. It also brings our focus on the injuries they suffer while indulging in some…

How Much Does a Knee Replacement Surgery Cost You in India

How Much Does a Knee Replacement Surgery Cost You in India

  • By: Hunjan_Hospital

  • January 30, 2024


As we age with time, our body starts to trouble us in many ways. These ways hamper your ability to perform daily activities. If that is the case +with your…

Procedure, Preparation, and Various Factors You Need To Know For Arthroscopy

Procedure, Preparation, and Various Factors You Need To Know For Arthroscopy

  • By: Hunjan_Hospital

  • January 27, 2024


What is Arthroscopy It is a procedure used by doctors for diagnosing and treating joint problems. Doctors recommend it when you have inflammation in joints, an injured or damaged joint,…

4 Orthopaedic Health Problems Which You Thought Were Normal

4 Orthopaedic Health Problems Which You Thought Were Normal

  • By: Hunjan_Hospital

  • January 22, 2024


Do you know even if we are facing a minor headache, our body is trying to tell us something through it? But, people nowadays are considering serious orthopaedic issues as…

Everything You Need To Know About Arthritis: Symptoms, Solutions

Everything You Need To Know About Arthritis: Symptoms, Solutions

  • By: Hunjan_Hospital

  • January 14, 2024


Are you facing joint pain and inflammation for a long time and still trying out normal medicines to solve the issue? If you said yes, then there is a high…

जोड़ों का दर्द: कारण, प्रकार, उपाय, सर्जरी

जोड़ों का दर्द: कारण, प्रकार, उपाय, सर्जरी

  • By: Hunjan_Hospital

  • January 9, 2024


जोड़ों का दर्द: कारण, प्रकार, उपाय, सर्जरी जोड़ो का दर्द क्या है ? जोड़ो के दर्द से निजात पाने के लिए सबसे पहले यह जानना जरूरी हैं कि ये दर्द…

Recognizing Indicators You May Require a Knee Replacement

Recognizing Indicators You May Require a Knee Replacement

  • By: Hunjan_Hospital

  • January 4, 2024


Living with knee pain can be crippling and incredibly influence your quality of life. If you’re encountering tenacious knee pain or versatility issues, it’s essential to recognize the indicators that…