slipped disc

What happens when the discs slip? What are the contained & uncontained discs?

When the intervertebral disc of the spine loses its normal shape and consistency, then it is known as a slipped disc. If the inner material of the disc gets leaked, then the altered shape will come into the origin. The doctors of the famous orthopaedic hospital in Ludhiana use different terms for the slipped disc-like protruding, bulged, torn or ruptured. If the pain becomes so severe that the individual can’t get rid of it, then with the help of spine surgery in Ludhiana, it will be aimed at getting treated. 


What happens when the discs slip? 

The intervertebral are known for their shock-absorbing feature. These are quintessentially helpful in transferring the loads evenly. In case, the slipped disc emerges, the entire segment which is accountable for doing motion like: 

  • Adjacent vertebrae
  • Connective tissues 
  • Blood vessels 
  • Nerves 


How does the slipped disc come into existence? 

When the disc becomes naturally degenerated, then because of that the nucleus pulposus becomes quintessentially less hydrated and gets weakened with age. 


What do we know about the initiative disc? 

When the trauma is caused to the disc because of any reason. Usually, the eight lifters suffer from this issue, as they try to lift the giant weight loads which are not of their capability. And while lifting, they end up choosing a bad posture. 


Do you know? 

If the connective tissue is having any disorder, then the spinal vertebrates may get some alterations in spinal vertebrates’ shape. 


What do we know about the contained and the uncontained disc? 

  • Contained disc

When a disc gets slipped and its nucleus pulposus gets leaked out in the form of the annulus fibrosus, but it is not visible in the outermost layer of the disc, then it will be known as the contained disc. 

  • Uncontained disc 

When the nucleus pulposus completely gets released outside the disc, then it will be known as the uncontained disc.


Which type of pain, you may experience when you are afflicted with the slipped disc? 


The slipped discs may cause you to suffer from pain either in the localised areas like the arm and the back or in the far off regions like the high or the hands. 


Nerve Pain 

Nerve pain is caused when a herniation is afflicting you at the side and the back of the disc. In these positions, the annulus fibrosus is comparatively thinner. Since this part is extremely close to the nerves of the spinal roots, it can cause mechanical compression, chemical irritation or cauda equina compression. 


Do you know? 

When owing to the slipped disc, you are suffering from back pain or neck pain, then it will be known as discogenic pain. 


What happens when the disc has slipped owing to the degeneration? 

If degeneration has caused the disc to move, then it will result in instability in the motions of the spine.


Orthopedic doctor
Orthopedic doctor

Why is back pain very common in winter?

Nowadays, people are suffering from different health issues, including back pain. There are several reasons for the problems related to the back. The main reason is unhealthy diet plans that make the muscles of your back weak. The best orthopedic hospital in Ludhiana offers you all the treatments related to back issues. 


What are the reasons for the back pain in winter? 

  • Cold: your muscles and ligaments become less flexible due to the reduction in temperature. They tend to tense up, increasing the risk of accidents, including sprains and strains. 
  • Slippery surface: Ice and snow can cause you to slip and fall. Your back’s muscles and ligaments may be strained by unexpected shocks, twists or collisions. 
  • Less active: Short, chilly days may cause you to engage in less physical activity. Your muscles may become weaker and less flexible as a result, increasing your risk of injury.
  • Attempting an indoor sport: You may be skiing, snowboarding, or ice skating during winter. Your back may get injured by these activities’ abrupt movements and falls.
  • You need to prepare: Before engaging in winter sports or household duties, you must give muscles more time to warm up and move. 
  • You are lifting and shoveling: Your back may get strained from bending and twisting to shovel snow and carrying large bags of goods for the winter, particularly if you need proper lifting techniques.
  • You need to be appropriately seated: During the winter, you might read more or watch screens indoors. Joint or back pain might be brought on by a lack of activity and bad posture.
  • You have put on weight: Gaining weight over the holidays is typical and might strain your lower back.
  • You are under stress: Tensed muscles are more prone to injury, and the strain of the holidays can induce muscle tension. 


Tips to prevent back issues for winter. 

There are several tips to prevent yourself from back-related issues during winter. 

  • Make a move: Keep up a regular exercise regimen and maintain your blood flow.
  • Drink water: Keep your body hydrated by consuming lots of water. In addition to providing nutrients and cushioning and lubricating your joints, water also keeps your skin cells hydrated and shields the lining of your digestive tract from food-digesting enzymes.
  • Rest: Sleeping for eight hours a day is not fiction. Rest is necessary for your body to function at its peak. Moreover, sleep reduces inflammation, which results in pain.
  • Refrain from tension: Many people view the winter holidays as more stressful than joyful. Make every effort to unwind and take care of your mental well-being.
  • Consume your veggies: Steer clear of foods high in sugar, as they can undermine your immune system. Eat a balanced diet as much as you can. If given the proper care, your body is designed to heal itself.
  • Remain warm: Use heat to ease your discomfort. Applying heat enables the muscles, adhesions, and connective tissue surrounding the spine to expand. Heat therapy will, therefore, result in a reduction of stiffness along with an increase in flexibility and comfort level. For a back to be healthy, flexibility is crucial.

In this modern era, ortho problems are widespread because of different reasons. Many people suffer from spinal issues, and the best doctors guide you through all the problems. The best Spine Surgeon In India performs spinal surgery at Hunjan Hospital. 


orthopaedic doctor
orthopaedic doctor

What Happens When Glute Muscles Are Weak?

To maintain the balance of the body, our body relies on muscles. Also, the body needs strong muscles for daily activities such as walking, standing, and sitting. Here, we are talking about glute muscles. The gluteal muscles consists of a group of muscles namely gluteus minimus, gluteus medius and gluteus maximus. These muscles make up the buttock area. Strong muscles are required for proper functioning of the body to do daily activities. If you have weak muscles, visit the Orthopaedic hospital in Ludhiana and examine yourself. 

Why Are Glutes Important For The Body?

The major job of the glute muscles is to help the body move, provide stability and support the spine. It also helps in preventing knee injury and general wear and tear. Strong glute muscles are important for various reasons, such as improving hip mobility, posture, and bone density and enhancing glute strength and athletic performance. On the contrary, weak gluteal muscles cause pain in the whole body and affect posture and mobility. Some common activities that require strong glute muscle strength include the following:

  • To maintain your body posture
  • Standing Up
  • Walking
  • Getting out of bed
  • Bending over 
  • Lifting
  • Balancing on one leg
  • Playing sports

Weak Glute Muscles

Glute muscles become weak because you do not use them enough. In the fast-paced and tech-savvy world, people’s lifestyle is becoming less and less active. People have sitting jobs and follow a sedentary lifestyle. A sedentary lifestyle causes a reduction in blood flow, which leads to less nutrients reaching your muscles. As a result, your muscles become weak. 

Another prominent cause of weak muscles is poor posture. Even though people have sitting jobs, their posture is poor and causes strain in the neck, shoulders and lower back. Hence, if you have weak glute muscles, it eventually develops into lower back pain, knee pain, and hip pain. If you experience muscle weakness, you must visit the best Orthopedic Hospital in Ludhiana and consult the doctor about your condition.

Causes of Weak Glute Muscles 

  • Aging – Aging causes muscle mass to decrease, making it weak. The problem continues and worsens if you do not have an active lifestyle. It would help if you exercised daily to ensure you have strong glute muscles.
  • Poor Posture – Having a poor posture causes the glute muscles to weaken. Poor posture is the leading cause of weakness in glute muscles, which causes lower back pain and knee and hip pain. If you have poor posture, you may not be able to get out of the chair without using your hands, climb stairs without railing, etc. If you face such issues, consult the best spine surgeon in India
  • Imbalance training – If you exercise, you must ensure you exercise the body properly and target every muscle group. An imbalance in muscle training can also weaken your glute muscles. For example, if your exercise focuses on the front part of your body and you do not exercise the back, it can cause weakness in the glute muscles due to an imbalance in training.
  • Injury or surgery – Post-injury and surgery, muscles become weak because you cannot use those muscles effectively while you are recovering or healing. Thus, it is essential to work on your muscles after recovering from the injury and surgery to strengthen them.

Exercises To Strengthen Your Glute Muscles 

  • Squats
  • Lunges
  • Step-up
  • Bridges
  • Clamshells 
  • Hip abduction
  • Hip thrust


As glute muscles are essential for the body to carry out small daily activities, you need to work on your glute muscles and strengthen them. Poor posture due to a sedentary lifestyle is one of the main causes of weak glute muscles. To solve this problem, visit the best spine surgeon in India and do exercises to strengthen your weak gluteal muscles.

Hindi Knee Pain

घुटने में दर्द के क्या है, कारण, लक्षण और घरेलु इलाज ?

घुटने का दर्द किसी भी उम्र में हो हमेशा व्यक्ति के लिए परेशानी ही खड़ी करता है, इसके अलावा अगर ये दर्द बजुर्ग लोगों में हो जाए तो ऐसा जान पड़ता है की जैसे उन पर पहाड़ ही गिर पड़ा हो क्युकी घुटने का दर्द होता ही ऐसे है। वहीं घुटने में दर्द की समस्या से हर 10 में से 7 व्यक्ति ग्रस्त रहते है, लेकिन आज के लेख में हम इस दर्द से कैसे खुद को बाहर निकाल सकते है वो घरेलु उपाय की मदद से इसके बारे में चर्चा करेंगे ;

क्या है घुटने में दर्द की समस्या ?

  • घुटने का दर्द एक आम शिकायत है जो सभी उम्र के लोगों को प्रभावित करती है। गंभीर घुटने का दर्द चोटों का कारण हो सकता है जैसे टूटे हुए स्नायुबंधन या फटे उपास्थि। कुछ स्वास्थ्य समस्याएं जो आपको गंभीर घुटने का दर्द दे सकती है, जैसे गठिया, या गठिया का संक्रमण। 
  • वहीं घुटने का दर्द शारीरिक गतिविधियों के कारण भी हो सकता है और वो है मोटापा।

घुटने में दर्द के कारण क्या है ?

  • घुटने में दर्द होने का सबसे आम कारण उम्र का बढ़ना, चोट का लगना और अपने घुटनों पर बहुत अधिक तनाव डालना है। 
  • इसके अलावा घुटने की कुछ समस्याओं में मोच या तनावग्रस्त स्नायुबंधन, उपास्थि आँसू और गठिया शामिल है।
  • वहीं चोट के बिना घुटने में दर्द के कुछ सामान्य कारणों की बात करें तो वो है:
  • बर्साइटिस (Bursitis)।
  • टेंडिनिटिस (Tendinitis)।
  • पुराने ऑस्टियोआर्थराइटिस।
  • संधिशोथ आदि।

अगर आप घुटने में दर्द के कारण बहुत ज्यादा परेशान है तो इससे बचाव के लिए आपको घुटने की रिप्लेसमेंट सर्जरी का चयन करना चाहिए।

घुटने में दर्द के लक्षण क्या है ?

  • सूजन और जकड़न की समस्या। 
  • स्पर्श करने के दौरान लाली और गर्मी का महसूस होना। 
  • कमजोरी की समस्या। 
  • चटकने की आवाजों का आना। 
  • घुटने को पूरी तरह से सीधा करने में असमर्थता का सामना करना। 
  • लगातार दर्द का होना आदि। 

घुटने में दर्द के इन लक्षणों से अगर आप भी परेशान है तो इससे निजात पाने के लिए आपको लुधियाना में बेस्ट ऑर्थोपेडिक सर्जन का चयन करना चाहिए।

कौन-से घरेलु उपाय घुटने के दर्द में है सहायक ?

  • घरेलु उपायों की अगर बात करें तो जिन लोगों का वजन अधिक होता है उन्हें घुटने में दर्द होने का खतरा अधिक होता है, इसलिए वजन को कम करें। 
  • इसके अलावा उचित आहार बनाए रखने से घुटने के दर्द को कम करने में मदद मिलेगी। आहार की बात करें तो इसमें आप फल, सब्जियां और फाइबर (उच्च) मांस, पशु वसा, और अन्य कम वसा का सेवन करें जिससे आप घुटने में दर्द की समस्या से जल्द आराम पा सकते है।
  • मालिश करने से भी आप घुटने में दर्द की समस्या से आराम पा सकते है।
  • हीट पैक और कोल्ड पैक भी आपके घुटने में दर्द के लिए काफी आरामदायक माना जाता है।
  • शारीरिक गतिविधि, जैसे व्यायाम जोड़ों को मजबूत बनाने में मदद करता है। उचित व्यायाम करने से आपको घुटने के दर्द से राहत मिलेगा। 
  • रात को सोने से पहले एक गिलास दूध में हल्दी डाल कर पीने से भी आपको घुटने में दर्द की समस्या से आराम मिल सकता है। 
  • सेब का सिरका भी काफी मददगार है घुटने में दर्द की समस्या से निजात दिलवाने में।  

अगर आपको इन घरेलु उपायों से भी घुटने में दर्द की समस्या से आराम न मिले, तो इसके लिए आप हुंजन हॉस्पिटल के अनुभवी डॉक्टरों का चयन जरूर से करें, वहीं इस हॉस्पिटल में घुटने की सर्जरी या घुटना को बदलकर नए घुटने लगाए जाते है जिससे मरीज़ को अपने दर्द की समस्या से आराम मिलता है।

Spine Surgery

Risk factors, Early symptoms and treatment of spine disorders

The body’s backbone is the vital part that stands upon it and depends upon it for almost every task, so taking care of it must also be the priority. The injuries accidentally in the spine must be diagnosed and treated well by the Best Spine Surgeon. It would help if you did a little research before finalizing any spine surgeon for treatment. The best option is to go for testimonials. 

For major surgeries, you can consider the best surgeons but for disability or spine disorder; you indeed have to get a consultation from the Ortho Doctor as they can suggest the best medications and exercises to correct the condition of a disability. The spine is a significant and vital body part and needs experts’ supervision for a speedy recovery. 

What are spine disorders? 

Bundles of nerves that transmit the signals from the brain to other parts of the body are carried by a tube-shaped organ known as vertebrae which also help in protecting the spinal cord types of Infection or disorders in the spinal cord can cause permanent brain damage and take the form of a disability, so do not ignore any symptom of any condition if it is related to the spinal cord.

You never know when your ignorance will make you pay higher later. So here is the list of symptoms you must note so you can instantly contact an orthopedic if you ever face them.   

Which are the risk factors which trigger spine disorders? 

  • Your excessive body weight or obesity can be a reason. 
  • Lifting excessive weight can cause damage to the spinal cord. 
  • The risk of spine disorders also increases if a diet is low in calcium, as it plays a crucial role in keeping the spinal cord strong, and a sedentary lifestyle and smoking trigger spinal infections. 
  • Bones diseases like osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, or thyroid disease are one of the reasons which make the spine more prone to spine disorders. 

Causes and Symptoms of spine disorders: 

  • Sometimes Accidents can cause serious injury, which can further become a spinal disorder. 
  • Congenital disorders are the one which is a disability from birth and can lead to spine disorder while growing up as it affects the proper movement of the body. 
  • Inflammation and Infection because of an injury can lead to permanent nerve damage.  

The symptoms of bone damage include Abnormally rounded shoulders or neck pain and Bladder or bowel dysfunction.Also, the most common one is Nausea and vomiting, which further leads to weakening and Pain radiating in the arms or legs, causing Stiffness, tightness, or tingling in the arms or legs.  

How do these common spine disorders get treated? 

After diagnosing the situation by physical exam and clinical tests and scans, an orthopedic can suggest any of the treatments: 

  • He can suggest radiation therapy, radiosurgery, and chemotherapy to remove tumors as it generates cancer and can be life-threatening if it is not cured. 
  • Icing or heating therapies for injuries and to reduce swelling in the ligaments 
  • To reduce the Pain or nerve blocks, the doctor can give you Injections, such as corticosteroids.
  • Sometimes to relax the muscle, Medications such as anti-inflammatories and painkillers can be suggested. 
  • Surgeries are only advised in severe conditions or to replace discs, fuse (connect) vertebrae, open up the spinal canal, or repair nerves for better functioning.   


Suppose you also want to get advice from the best experts who correct spinal cord diseases before it gets too late. In that case, you should visit Kalyan Hospital for better results and to enjoy satisfactory services.


back surgery
back surgery

A brief note on failed back surgery syndrome.

Failed back surgery syndrome is a generalized term that is often used to describe the condition where lower back pain persists or appears after spine surgery. The pain starts immediately after surgery or a few weeks or months after. FBSS is also known as failed back syndrome and post-surgical spine syndrome. You can get the proper treatment at the best Orthopaedic Hospital in Ludhiana. 


What is the definition of failed back surgery syndrome? 

Failed back surgery syndrome is the term used for continued pain a patient has after an unsuccessful back surgery. The patient is usually referred to a pain management specialist to treat pain. The goal of spinal surgery is to decompress a nerve root or to stabilize a painful joint. FBSS occurs when surgery is unsuccessful or negatively affects a structure near the problem area. 


What are the causes of failed back surgery syndrome? 

Several reasons are responsible for the failed back surgery syndrome. 

  • Adjacent segment disease: Adjacent segment disease is a potential cause of failed back surgery syndrome after spinal fusion surgery.
  • Arachnoiditis: Arachnoiditis is inflammation of one of the three protective linings surrounding the brain and spinal cord. It can cause severe burning, stinging pain, and other nerve-related problems.
  • Persistent Neural Decompression: Decompression surgeries remove bone and other impeding structures compressing spinal nerves.
  • Pseudoarthrosis: Pseudoarthrosis or non-union is the medical term used to describe a complication of spinal fusion surgery that often involves instrumentation and fusion. Spinal fusion is performed to join two or more spinal bones together to stabilize one or more spine levels to stop movement. 
  • Recurrence of Earlier Diagnosis: Sometimes, your original symptoms return after spine surgery. A spinal disc treated with microdiscectomy may re-herniate.
  • Epidural fibrosis: Epidural fibrosis is a medical term describing scar tissue forming around one or more spinal nerve roots. Epidural fibrosis may develop months after spine surgery, and it can cause a spike in pain.
  • Spinal infection: Symptoms of post-surgical spinal infection include fever, wound drainage and redness, chills, and headache. These and other related symptoms typically show up a few weeks after surgery.


Treatment of the failed back surgery syndrome.

The treatment plans for failed back surgery syndrome are as follows: 

  • Muscle Relaxants: Muscle relaxants, as the name suggests, work to relax your muscles by reducing the activity of the central nervous system.
  • Neuroleptics: Neuroleptics are a medication used to stabilize overactive cells in the spinal cord. These medications can help better manage pain caused by nerve compression.
  • Pain Relievers: In severe pain cases, your doctor may prescribe opiates for a short period to help relieve your pain symptoms. 
  • Physical Therapy: Your doctor may recommend specific physical therapy exercises to reduce your pain symptoms by strengthening the muscles that support the spine. 
  • Epidural Steroid Injections: Epidural steroid injections deliver anti-inflammatory steroids directly to the epidural region of the patient’s spine to reduce pressure and inflammation in the back.
  • Radiofrequency Ablation: Radiofrequency ablation involves delivering targeted radio-frequency energy to specific nerves to help reduce those nerves from sending pain signals to your brain. 
  • Spinal Cord Stimulation: Spinal cord stimulation is a procedure that involves using a small device called a spinal cord stimulator to attach it to your spine.

If you have spinal problems, contact the best hospital, Hunjan Hospital. The best spine surgeon in India performs the surgery of spinal issues.


How Can You Find the Best Orthopaedic Surgeon For Your Children

Children are known to be filled with energy. Their activities are known to be seldom concerning. It also brings our focus on the injuries they suffer while indulging in some activities. The best Child Bone Specialist In Ludhiana knows how harmful these injuries can get. Still, these injuries are part and parcel in life, especially childhood.

Parents want the best things for their children. Especially when their kids are taking part in athletics and sports. Hence, they can always consult the best Orthopedic Specialist In Ludhiana as a precaution. These people have treated many bone problems in adults and kids in their vast careers, making them well-experienced and knowledgeable in these problems.

What are the things one needs to make sure of while looking for an orthopedic surgeon?

  1. Search for the hospital or surgeon’s credibility: It will help you find if the surgeon has the credibility, experience, and certification to treat various bone problems in kids. The hospital’s credibility and certification can also be found to ensure it is trustworthy.
  2. Communication Style: You should be able to communicate freely with the surgeon. The surgeon should be capable enough to convey your problems and their various solutions. He should not make you rush for the treatment badly. 
  3. Surveys and Reviews: You should analyze the surveys and reviews from the patients in a hospital to check whether it is good for your child and bring the best results.
  4. Latest Technologies: You need to ensure that the hospital you go to for the treatment is technologically advanced and can get you the best possible results aiding better healing.
  5. Insurance: Paying bills for your child’s treatment is not an easy task. If your treatment in a hospital can get covered under insurance, that will be beneficial. Hence, make sure insurance features are also available in the hospitals. 

Distinguish factors that make Pediatric Orthopaedic care the best option for kids.

  1. Pediatric surgeons can easily explain the procedures and treatment to parents and children.
  2. Imaging also lowers the dosage of children.
  3. You can get faster diagnosis and treatment plans in walk-in clinics.
  4. These clinics can also provide your kids with innovative therapies that can substitute the usage of medicines.

Some other factors to remember while choosing a suitable hospital/clinic

  • Consolidated Care: A good clinic diagnoses, treats, and provides follow-up care altogether. This setup also decreases the recovery time for the patients, resulting in faster healing.
  • Low Infection Rates: You should consider the track record to choose a suitable hospital for your child’s treatment. You can get the track record and the treatment history from the clinic. You can also save money and time if the hospital/clinic has an outpatient department, which also decreases the chances of infection.
  • Continuing Pediatric Training: The best surgeons keep themselves updated with new technologies and knowledge they can use for treatments. It will be helpful in the patient’s healing process.

Hence, if your child gets injured or fractures any of his bones, you can consult the best orthopedic doctors for better treatment and optimum healing.


Spine Surgery
Spine Surgery

What is the definition of spinal surgery?

In this era, people do not follow proper diet due to which they are suffering from different health related issues and poor posture and unhealthy diet plans cause issues related to the spine. The spinal issues are mostly treated with surgery only. 


What are the spinal problems? 

Spinal problems are very common. The Spinal problems are generated inside and outside of the spinal cord. The reason for the outer damage is compression and injury. It is compressed because of bone fracture, spinal degeneration and abnormalities. The hematoma, tumor, and herniated disc are also a reason for the spinal cord weakening. The minor problems can be corrected by the best Orthopaedic Surgeon In India. 


What is the definition of spinal surgery? 

Spinal fusion is a surgery that connects two or more vertebrae in your spine. These ring-shaped bones form an interlocking column that holds your body upright. Fusing them together can reinforce your back’s structure. There is more than one type of surgeon that specializes in spinal fusion surgery. Neurosurgeons and orthopedic surgeons can do them, depending on the underlying condition and your specific needs. There are different types of Spinal surgery. 


Types of spinal surgery

  • Discectomy: This procedure removes the herniated portion of a disc. It is helpful for removing the tissue and damaging part of the disc.
  • Laminectomy: This procedure removes bone at the back of the spine to make more room for the spinal cord and nerves.
  • Fusion: Spinal fusion removes the arthritic joints and often uses metal implants to help permanently connect two or more bones in the spine.
  • Artificial discs: These devices are made of plastic and metal. They can replace the damaged cushion between two spinal bones. 


Right ways to do exercise after spinal surgery. 

There are different ways to do exercise after spinal surgery. 

  • Walking Exercise Program: Walking is one of the first physical therapy exercises to help improve your healing, which you must start doing the day after your surgery. A good starting point is walking at least 20 to 30 minutes on a treadmill or outdoors. 
  • Ankle Pumps: Ankle pumps are a type of nerve stretch that helps improve blood flow to your heart using your calves. To do this exercise, lie flat on your back. Then, move your ankles up and down. Repeat this exercise at least ten times.
  • Heel Slides: Heel slides are another nerve stretch to help rehabilitate your body after surgery. Lie down on your back and slowly bend your knee. Then, straighten out your knee. Repeat the exercise 10 times.
  • Superman: The Superman exercise will help correct your posture, specifically posterior pelvic tilt when you rotate your pelvis backward. Start by lying on your stomach in a neutral position with arms outstretched in front of you. 
  • Straight Leg Raises: Straight Leg raises are one of the most effective core exercises for back pain. Lie down on your back with one Leg bent at the knee and the other stretched out in front. Keep your core tight. 


The whole posture of the human body is dependent on the spinal cord. Spine injuries become very common. Most spinal injuries can only be treated with surgeries that the best surgeons perform. If you are suffering from spinal problems, contact the best Orthopaedic Hospital in Ludhiana, Hunjan Hospital. 

Knee replacement

How Much Does a Knee Replacement Surgery Cost You in India

As we age with time, our body starts to trouble us in many ways. These ways hamper your ability to perform daily activities. If that is the case +with your knee, knee replacement surgery is the cure.

Robotic knee replacement surgery is performed by a surgeon with a robotic arm or tool to replace a patient’s knee joint. It is the most preferred procedure by the doctors.

For more information, consult the Best Spine Surgeon in Ludhiana. Their expertise and experience in this field will guide you before you undergo this procedure.

Initially, doctors will prescribe you various therapies and methods to lower the pain in the knee joints. These methods are the least painful ones. But if they fail, you will opt for knee replacement surgery, which is quite painful.

Doctors will prescribe you two types of knee replacement surgeries, conventional and robotic knee replacement surgeries. The conventional method is quite outdated as compared to the robotic method.

Differences between conventional and robotic knee replacement

  1. Standard Knee replacement takes a long time to heal and takes a long time to procedure.

  2. The conventional method solely relies on the surgeon and his visual evaluation. Whereas in the robotic process, the physician is assisted by a robotic arm in the surgery, resulting in more accuracy and lesser surgery duration.

  3. Sometimes in the conventional method, knee components can be misaligned and poorly fit after replacement. But in the robotic procedure, components are accurately fit and aligned after the replacement.

  4. The risk of complications in a conventional procedure is higher than the robotic procedure.

  5. The rehabilitation in the conventional procedure takes much longer time than the robotic procedure.

  6. There are more chances of failure and revision procedures in the traditional method.

Features in Robotic Knee Replacement

  1. This procedure enhances the longevity in the functions of the knee joint.

  2. It has much-improved safety and security for the surrounding tissues and bone components in the knee.

  3. Only smaller incisions are required in this procedure, which results in quicker recovery, short-term hospitalization, and lesser discomfort to the patient.

  4. The physician can accurately place the components and joint in the knee, ensuring a natural experience to patients in the knee area.

  5. There is a lower risk of complications in this procedure.

  6. It has a much shorter rehabilitation time and a shortened period of hospitalization.

  7. Physicians make a full-fledged surgical plan before the surgery to avoid any complication afterwards

  8. The chances of failure are quite low in this procedure. One doesn’t require a revised replacement after undergoing this procedure.

Cost of Robotic Knee Replacement and Various other Factors to Remember

A robotic knee replacement surgery will cost you around Rs 1.5 lakhs or more. Although you need to keep the doctor’s fee and other things in mind too.

Doctors examine various factors like arthritis, age, your lifestyle, diet, and daily activities to determine your chances for this operation.

Always make sure of these factors before opting for the Robotic Knee Replacement Surgery. You will experience a new you with this surgery.


Procedure, Preparation, and Various Factors You Need To Know For Arthroscopy

What is Arthroscopy

It is a procedure used by doctors for diagnosing and treating joint problems. Doctors recommend it when you have inflammation in joints, an injured or damaged joint, etc. Consult the best doctors for arthroscopy surgery cost in Ludhiana and various other things. You will get the best guidance from the doctor.

Usually, people get the surgery done and are discharged on the same day. The Best Ortho Surgeon in Ludhiana performs this surgery and has achieved the best results. People get arthroscopy done on any joint. It is generally done in the wrist, ankles, knee, shoulder, elbow, and hips. This surgery can be performed on an Out-patient basis

Doctors insert a tool called an arthroscope during this surgery through small cuts to check the damage. They treat those damages during the surgery. 

How to Prepare for Arthroscopy

  • Be open to your doctor about your medical history and the vitamins you take.
  • You should wear clothes that are easy to wear and remove and avoid jewelry, watches, and other valuable items.
  • Avoid eating or drinking anything the night before the surgery unless it is advised by your doctor.

Arthroscopy Procedure

Your surgeon will treat you either in the hospital or the OPD. The surgeon will give you the anesthesia according to your problem. He will also numb the area where the surgery is to be performed. 

To diagnose the problem, the doctor will insert a pencil-thin instrument through a small buttonhole-sized incision. This instrument used by the doctor has a camera and light to see the image of your joint. They may also use a sterile fluid to widen the image by injecting it into the joint to enhance the clarity of the image.

Through the image, the surgeon will decide the surgery suitable for you. He will insert special tools to cut, shave, grasp, and anchor stitches to your bone. These tools are inserted through smaller cuts called portals.

If the patent requires traditional surgery, It will be done simultaneously with arthroscopic surgery.

They will remove the arthroscope and other tools and close the wound with either special tape or stitches.

Recovery after Arthroscopy

Afterward, the staff will escort you to the recovery room to rest for one hour or more. There will be some pain, and the doctor will prescribe you medicines and exercises. You can also take aspirin to prevent blood clots if prescribed by doctors.

You should use ice for the first 24 hours to lower swelling. If the surgery is done on the knee, raise the leg to reduce pain. Abstain alcohol at all costs.

You can also need crutches to support you during the healing period.

You can also consult the doctor in case of fever, pain that gets worse, 

numbness or tingling, smelly and discolored fluid leaking from the wound, etc, which rarely happens. 

You can remove the bandages and cover the incisions with small strips. The doctor will remove the stitches after one or two weeks.

Contact us for the best treatment for joints. You will see better and more seamless results.